OET Overview
September 3, 2022
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Has 4️⃣ sections:
1. Listening 🎧
You can hear audio only once.
To pass a minimum of 350 is required.
To get that you need roughly 30 out of 42.
Spelling mistakes are allowed as long as it is understandable.
Do not change the word from the audio. Keep it as it is.
Fill in the blanks.
5 min conversation X 2
12 questions per conversation
Total 24 questions
You get 30 seconds to read before every conversation.
You have to listen and write simultaneously.
MCQ type section with 3 options.
6 questions with separate audio for each question
You get 15 seconds before each question and 5 seconds after the audio to answer the question.
MCQ type section with 4 options per question.
6 questions per audio clip X 2
Total 12 questions.
You get 90 seconds before each audio.
2. Reading 📖
To pass a minimum of 350 is required.
As you are just copying words from the text, do not make any spelling mistakes.
PART A: 15 min
4 paragraphed text with 20 questions
Questions 1-7 matching type of question (you’ll find given information in text A, B, C, or D)
Questions 8-14 short answer
Questions 14-20
PART B & C: 45 min
MCQ type question with 3 options
1 one per text X 6
Total 6 questions
MCQ type question with 4 options
1 long text with 8 questions X 2
Total 16 questions
3. Writing 📝
To pass a minimum of 300 is required.
5 min reading time
40 min writing time
Types of letters: Referral (most common), Discharge, Transfer
4. Speaking 🗣
To pass a minimum of 350 is required.
2 Roleplay
For each role play: 3 min preparation time
5 min role play