ERAS Photo: All you need to know Dr. Srushti September 15, 2022

ERAS Photo: All you need to know

Requirements for ERAS Photo

Requirements 📷

  • Format: JPEG
  • Size: Less than 150kb
  • Measurement: 2.5 (W) x 3.5 (H) inches
  • Front face with head and shoulder with face in the middle of the photo

These are a few tips based on research done on ERAS photographs of a dermatology residency applicant. [1]

1. Characteristic likely to result in a successful match

  • Smiling
  • Wearing a blazer
  • Wearing Glasses
  • Hair to the shoulder or longer (Female applicants)

2. Factors that do not have an impact

  • Wearing formal attire
  • Professional quality picture
  • Facial hair, tie (Male applicants)
  • Wearing jewelry, hair worn up or pulled back (Female applicants)

My Recommendation:

If you’re planning to be in the USA during the application month (June to September) get your photo clicked in India.

In the USA, a single photograph can cost you up to $100. If you’re planning to get it clicked in the USA, try to find some coupons on the GROUPON website.


Try to avoid plain white or black backgrounds. Instead, use shades of light and dark.

To change the background, you can use: photo scissors website


To resize your photograph according to the ERAS requirement:

PIXLR website

How to:

      1. Select start photo editing –> open image –> select full HD
      2. Crop: In constraint select ratio, add 2.5 (W) 3.5 (H) apply, and SAVE.
      3. At the time of saving use the width: 375 which will automatically set the height 525.

How to:

      1. Select Open from Computer –> select image
      2. After opening the image –> Image (menu bar) –> select Inches –> put 2.5 (W) with resample, keep the DPI 150
      3. Crop: from the toolbar, crop the height up to 3.5 inches and leave the width as it is.
      4. EXPORT AS a JPEG file. If your image is getting downloaded with >150kb then try adjusting the DPI to get the smaller image size.


      1. Corcimaru, A., Morrell, M. C, & Morrell, D. S. (2018). Do looks matter? The role of the Electronic Residency Application Service photograph in dermatology residency selection. Dermatology Online Journal, 24(4).
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